
Dr. Burke,

This is John ****, you did a couple of eye surgeries on me recently. Over the last couple of months , I’ve come further along than I ever dreamed possible. After doing some short and long range eye exercises, I am now able to go outside on a bright day without sunglasses, drive at night without anti-glare glasses, and the big one – work in front of the computer without glasses or a glare guard. I honestly never thought I would be able to do any of these things again. Still get a little dizzy at the computer (not enough to hinder my doing too much). So not 100% yet, but this is better than I could have hoped for. And thank God no more medication. I just want to send you a thank you note because I can’t put into words how grateful I am for all you’ve done for me. In a way, you gave me my life back. We’re almost there. probably need to relax the brain somehow, like you said. Thank you so much Dr. Burke, and at the risk of sounding really gay, you’re like an angel to me.

Thanks again, John