Featured Testimonials

Dr Burke is my hero! Dr. Burke is the most compassionate doctor I have ever met. I was born cross-eyed and had an eye surgery on both eyes as an infant and another surgery on one as a child. Because of my eye muscle problems, I have always been seen by a doctor with Dr. Burke’s specialties but none of my previous doctors were as caring and kind as Dr. Burke.

Dr Burke, First, thank you for your diagnosis and comfort you provided my wife and me with respect to our daughter Gwyneth. Our family physician’s opinions mean the world to us, and she says you’re the best. Your office is very fun, your staff is wonderfully pleasant and professional, and seeing you work was indeed a privilege.

Dr Burke, I just want to take a moment to thank you for everything you have done for our daughter. From day one you have been phenomenal; always taking your time and making sure she was comfortable with you and your procedures. She has spent the last week and a half telling everyone in the most excited tone ever,”Dr.Burke fixed my eye!” You may see a spike in referrals among three year olds (haha!!). She’s your biggest fan! Thanks for being so wonderful!

Dr Burke, We cannot thank you enough for fixing Corey’s eye. He is so excited to have a normal looking eye and seeing normal. You have given him the ability to be successful at school and in life. And he hopes one day, “He can make miracles happen just like you!” We are so grateful. Thank You!

Dr Burke, Thank you for enabling me to clearly see just how beautiful this world is, again. I am very thankful for your healing skills, but most appreciative of your exceptional thoughtfulness. Thank you for giving me a part of your vacation time-truly a gift. My fourth graders and I will benefit greatly from it. Most Appreciatively,

Dr Burke, We wanted to thank you for the special care you have given our children Winston and Norah. Our kids loved coming to see you and we appreciate the special attention you give to each one. We feel very confident and comfortable in your care. Thanks Again!

Dr Burke , Let me first say how fortunate Willy (my son) and I have been to have had you for a surgeon and doctor. You have a gift in making people feel so comfortable (not all people/ or doctors have that you know)! I remember the time Willy brought in a fake rubber rat (around Halloween) to “scare,” you, and you walked in and threw your file of papers up in the air-it was great fun! Thanks for Everything!

Dr Burke, I wanted to give you an update on Elizabeth who was under your care from age 4 until a few years ago. When we left your office after she first saw you, she looked up and said, “I want to be a doctor just like Dr. Burke.” Elizabeth is now in her third year of medical school and is still interested in pediatric ophthalmology. She started an ophthalmology club for the medical students and she volunteers at different events doing vision checks. You’re such an inspiration to her she has said she plans on being a doctor, “Just like Dr. Burke.”

Dr Burke examined my son’s eyes and spoke with him. You told me,”Andrew’s eyes are fine. Andrew is dyslexic.” My response was: “What do we do?” You suggested the book ‘Overcoming Dyslexia,’ by Sally Shaywitz. My husband and I read the book and began practicing the principles advised. I will not lie, it was a struggle and an enormous amount of work. Within a year, Andrew’s Reading and self-esteem improved tremendously. Thank You.